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One Thing You Can Do To Improve User-Adoption

Companies must drive user-adoption to succeed with their CRM technologies, such as Salesforce. Companies, large and small, invest heavily in CRM technology.  They invest further to implement the technology and further yet to train administrators, technologists and end-users.

Yet, many fail to convert a majority of their workforce into adopting and using the technology.  In fact, a high percentage of companies post lower than expected user-adoption rates.

To drive success of their investment in technology platforms, companies must develop their end-users’ understanding, confidence and adoption of the platform.

What Can You Do To Improve Your Salesforce User-Adoption Rates?

Best-in-class companies employ a variety of tactics to drive adoption of their technology.  

Such tactics include:

  • Implementing sound change management practices
  • Engaging and training both executive and front-line management
  • Conducting impactful training 
  • Offering reinforcement training

Training Reinforcement Aids End-User-Adoption

While all of the above tactics are necessary to fully train users and drive adoption, the last point, Reinforcement Training, is often overlooked.  Many companies stop training practices upon completion of training courses.

Training is just a way to provide people with knowledge.  But, training can’t stop at the end of class. Training, in and of itself, won’t change behavior.

  • Further, many employees resist change.  Users need continual training to improve and change behavior.  Without constant reinforcement people go back to old habits.  Many employees actively avoid the change while others stress if they don’t remember their training.  In such cases, they’ll revert to old habits and methods and divert from the new system. 

Therefore, successful companies offer Training Reinforcement to their end-users, which provides strategic content as follow-up to training. 

Context-Aware Help Reinforces Training

Many companies and training managers place context-aware help in their user platforms to drive user-adoption.

What is context-aware help, you ask?

Context-aware (or context-sensitive) help offers users immediate guidance at a specific spot within the software platform in which the end-user works.  It places targeted help directly into Salesforce or other technology.  The platform knows what help content to display based upon the page, profile or application on which the end-user is working. 

As an example, let’s assume an end-user is in the midst of a certain task and can’t remember how to complete it within the technology platform.  He can click the help button and immediately view video, text or other training content to guide him through the task.

Corporate trainers and administrators select where to place the help button within the user interface.  Also, they decide which media to display once the end-user selects the help button.  When selected, the help button will display training assets such as training videos, cheat sheets and other training materials.

How Does Context-Aware Help Drive Training Reinforcement And End-User Adoption?

Many companies stop their training efforts once classes end. As a result, their CRM platforms yield low adoption rates despite large implementation and training budgets

Conversely, through training reinforcement, companies improve their user-adoption rates because they have provided their users’ ready access to reminders and backup to the initial training.

Tools such as context-aware help, provide end-users with the coaching they need, right when they need it.

As a result, the contextual help improves user-adoption rates because employees easily and quickly find the help they need to complete the task.  This reduces resistance and increases confidence in themselves and the platform. 

The truth is, training is easy.  Adoption is hard. 

So, What’s Next?

Want professional training services for your end-users and managers? Stony Point offers world-class instructor-led Salesforce training. With classes for beginners all the way to experts, we can help you train your employees to be more efficient and productive.

Did you already purchase training but still see your employees struggling with adoption? Digadop Help is a Digital Adoption platform designed to increase user adoption. With customizable, targeted help, you can create a different help experience for each employee, no coding needed. Digadop Help reinforces the training you paid for and builds on it

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